年龄要求:年满20周岁 证件要求: 一 本人的有效身份证明 1 境内客户:二代身份证 2 港澳客户:港澳居民来往内地通行证(回乡证) 3 台湾客户:大陆通行证(台胞证) 4 外籍客户:护照,签证/居住证 二 本人国内有效驾驶证 三 有效信用卡(本人)或借记卡(本人)
有效信用卡指有效期内的中国国内银行发行的或国外银行发行的VISA或Master标识的信用卡。如本人无信用卡,可通过国内借记卡(本人)支付与租车预授权相等额度的押金并通过持有信用卡的亲友进行担保 四 其他说明: 1 以上证件,有效期须至少超过当次租车日期的六个月以上; 2 身份证明须通过公安局等相关机构验证,且验证结果与客户身份、头像一致; 3 港澳台客户或外籍客户,租车时需要中国大陆公民进行担保
信用卡担保 1. 如果客户本人没有符合要求的信用卡,可由亲友进行信用担保,担保人对客户租车期间所产生的一切费用及责任承担无限连带责任。 2. 担保人需出示有效身份证件的原件,持有足够信用额度的有效信用卡代为刷取租车预授权或支付押金,并和客户一起在《租车合同》上签字; 3. 每位担保人每次仅限担保1台车辆; 4. 担保人在为客户担保的车辆归还前,不能为他人再次提供担保,也不能自己租用天天红的车辆。
5. 如果客户没有信用卡,本人借记卡只可以租用经济型以下的轿车
企业租车 1 提供单位真实的联系方式,如名称、电话、地址、联系人等 2 单位营业执照副本、组织机构代码证书,法人委托书、身份证和单位介绍信。 3 非法人单位需提供上级单位开具的租车介绍信,负责人身份证。 4 经办人身份证,信用卡,驾驶员的身份证、驾驶证。
5 说明: 上述证件均需原件,客户租车须支付押金和租车费; 租期超过一个月的可任选方式缴纳租车费,如用支票支付需三个工作日后提车
Before renting a car, please make sure you meet the following condition, hold the following documents:
Age requirements: at least 20 years old
Documents required:
A personal valid identity certificate
The customer in 1: the second generation id card
2 Hong Kong and Macao customers: Hong Kong and Macao residents with the mainland pass (home)
3 Taiwan customers: China passport (Taiwan compatriots certificate)
4 foreign customers: passport, visa/residence permit
2 I valid driver's license in China
Three effective (I) by credit card or debit card (I)
Valid credit card refers to the period of validity of China's domestic Banks to issue or foreign Banks to issue VISA or Master card. If no credit card, I can pay through domestic debit card (I) and car rental pre authorization and equal deposit via credit card to guarantee the relatives and friends
Four other details:
More than 1 certificate, the period of validity should be at least more than when the car rental date more than six months;
2 identity validation must be through the public security bureau and other related institutions, and the verification results consistent with the client identity, image;
When three Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan customers or clients, car rental needs to guarantee citizens of mainland China
Credit card guarantee
1. If the customer didn't conform to the requirements of the credit card, can by friends and relatives for credit guarantee, the guarantor of customer generated during the period of rental charges and responsibility to bear unlimited joint and several liability.
2. The guarantor needs to produce valid identity certificate of the original, brush have a valid enough credit card to take car rental pre authorization or pay the deposit, and together with the customer sign the "rental contract";
3. Every time each guarantor guarantees only 1 vehicles;
4. The guarantor in the guarantee for the customer the vehicle before the return, can't again to provide guarantee for others, nor his rent every day the red car.
5. If the customer not have credit CARDS, my debit card only can rent under economical cars
Enterprise rent a car
1 to provide real contact information, such as name, address, contact person, telephone etc
2 units of duplicate of business license, organization code certificate, id card of legal person power of attorney, and references.
3 entity without legal personality shall provide superior car rental letter of introduction issued, head of id.
4 agent id card, credit card, driver's id card, driver's license.
The above documents must be original, car rental must pay the deposit and your rates;
Lease for more than a month can choose any way to pay your rates, such as pay by cheque need to pick up the car in three working days