北京天天红租车租赁有限公司 热线电话:15011103926/18910161575
电话:15011103926(企业微信) 18910161575


北京天天红租车租赁有限公司  发布时间:2011-4-26  浏览次数:3690




  1 选择您所需要租赁的车型及确定车型价格

  2 仔细检查所选车辆的外观,灯饰组件,油量和车辆的性能,确保车辆达到待租标准

  3 仔细阅读并签订租车合同

  4 提交租车所需的证明材料

  5 按车型刷取一定预售的车辆押金,缴纳车辆租金


  1 检查归还车辆确保与提车是一致

  2 解除预授的车辆押金并再次刷取3000元车辆违章预售押金,如无违章10个工作日后解除预授


  1 归还车辆时,如超时6小时以内(含6小时),按半天计算,6小时以上按全天计算

  2 车辆租赁期间燃油费用由客户自己负担,若还车时油量低于取车油量,请按市场当时的油价补齐差价

  3 如减少原定的租车天数,请注意以下事项:

  A 周租/月租及以上产品,已付费用恕不退还

  B 节假日租车,已付费用恕不退还

  C 特价车型,已付费用恕不退还

  4 车辆租赁期间产生的违章罚款由客户自行负责。天天红租车在查询或收到客户的违章通知后将以短信或电话提醒客户,客户在接到提醒后应在15日内自行将违章处理完毕,逾期未消除违章的客户,需承担200/天的违约金,如因特殊原因无法自行处理的,请致电天天红租车咨询其它处理方式

  5 发生保险事故应首先致电本公司全天救援电话,车辆损失由保险公司定损后再修理;

A 车辆损伤较轻,车辆可以移动的,请将车开至就近的门店完成定损;

B 在交通道路上的碰撞事故,并由交警现场处理、出具交通事故现场认定书,请在还车事提供交警出具的单据原件;

C 单方事故且未经交警裁决,请提供拍摄清晰的事故现场电子版照片;

D 客户选择自行修理车辆,请在保险公司定损人员确定事故修理金额后再到天天红租车指定修理地点修理

E 请在出险之日起15日内,将保险理赔所需事故材料完整提供给天天红租车,否则视为自动放弃理赔(特大人伤事故可相应延缓15日)。所有材料必须齐全、清晰,否则由此导致的保险公司拒赔,将由客户自行承担责任;

F 导致第三方损失的费用,由客户先行垫付;

G 发生事故后,未经公司允许,请勿擅自维修事故车辆,否则客户将承担赔偿损失等违约责任,超过保险公司赔偿范围或保险公司不足额理赔的部分,也将由客户承担;

H 如在租期内发生车辆盗抢、证照遗失或违法违规租用车辆造成车辆停运,客户需支付车辆租赁费用,直到公安部门立案,车辆管理部门出具报废证明之日。

Pick it up.

1 choose rental car and you need to determine the price of cars

2 check carefully selected the appearance of the vehicles, lighting components, oil amount and the performance of the vehicle, make sure the vehicle meet the standard for rent

3 read carefully and sign the rental contract

4 to submit proof of material required for car rental

5 according to the models brush must be open to booking a vehicle deposit, pay the rent car

2. Car

1 check return the vehicle to ensure that is in keeping with the car

2 lift advance deposit of the vehicle and brush again take 3000 yuan vehicles peccancy booking deposit, such as grant lifted clean 10 working days

3. Other

1 return the vehicle, such as 6 hours overtime (including 6 hours), calculated on a half day, more than six hours calculated on all day

2 fuel expenses shall be borne by the customers themselves during the time of the lease, if car oil below take car oil, according to market the oil supplement the price difference, please

3 days such as reducing the original car rental, please note that the following items:

A week rent/rent and above products, fees paid will not be returned

B holiday rental, fees paid will not be returned

C special vehicles, fees paid will not be returned

4 vehicles produced during the period of the lease violations shall be undertaken by the customer. Every day the red car rental in the query or after receiving the customer's violation notice to text message or phone to remind customers, customers in should be within 15 days after received the remind themselves will be processed violation, fails to eliminate the illegal customer, need to take responsibility for up to 200 / day penalty due to breach of contract, such as unable to dispose due to special reasons, please call every day the red car rental consulting other processing methods

5 should first call the company throughout the insurance accident rescue telephone, vehicle loss fee charged by insurance company again after repair;

A lighter vehicle damage, vehicles can be moved, will drive to the nearest store, please complete the fee;

B in the traffic on the road collision accident and traffic accident scene differentiates, issued by traffic police at the scene of processing, and things in the car, please provide the original documents issued by the traffic police;

C unilaterally accident and without the police decision, please provide clear filming the scene of the accident digital photos;

D customers choose to repair vehicles, please after insurance company personnel and determine the amount of emergency repair to the every day the red car repair location repair;

E please be or get out of danger, within 15 days from the date of the complete accident material required for insurance claims for the red car every day, or else be deemed abandoned automatically claims (catastrophic injury accidents can be corresponding delay 15). All materials must be complete, clear, otherwise the resulting insurance company claims rejected, will bear the responsibility by the customers themselves;

F in the cost of third party damage, by the customer first advances;

G after the accident, without company's permission, please do not do STH without authorization the accident vehicle maintenance, otherwise the customer will bear the liability for breach of contract, such as compensation for the damage range of insurance or insurance company claims part of the deficit, will be borne by the customer;

H such as vehicle DaoQiang happens within the lease, the license is lost or illegal renting vehicles cause stoppage, customers need to pay the rental fee, until the door of the ministry of public security case and issue a certificate of scrap from the date of vehicle management department.


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版权所有:北京天天红租车租赁有限公司 电话:15011103926/18910161575 地址:北京朝阳区延静里中街3号院17号楼101室(嘉泰大厦院内)
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